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Am I Covered Under 琼斯法案?

如果你在航运业工作,你可能对“琼斯法案”这个词很熟悉. Also known as the Merchant Marine Act of 1920, 琼斯法案 is a significant piece of legislation that safeguards the rights of seamen. 该法案的主要目的是支持和保护美国海运业, but it also has profound implications for maritime workers, especially when they are injured on the job.

The Origins of 琼斯法案

Named after Senator Wesley Jones, 《365bet平台》的通过是为了鼓励美国海运业的发展和独立. It was born from the need to protect American interests during a time when U.S. shipping was threatened by foreign competitors. To encourage American enterprise, the Act established that only American-built, 拥有, and crewed ships could engage in shipping goods and passengers between U.S. 港口.

Who is Covered by 琼斯法案?

The 琼斯法案》 is designed to protect maritime workers, 但其保护措施的应用并不像看起来那么简单. 它适用于“海员”,但这一术语本身有多种解释,并受到许多法院判决的影响.

传统上, a seaman is considered a member of a ship’s crew, which could include everyone from the captain to the deckhands. 然而, 根据《365bet平台》,海员的法律定义扩展到任何花费大量时间(通常被解释为至少30%)在通航水域为船舶服务的工人.

这一定义包括传统船员以外的各种职业. 例如, those working on fishing vessels, 拖船, 驳船, 江轮赌场, 游轮, and more can be covered 根据琼斯法案. It’s not the vessel that determines coverage, but rather the worker’s relationship to the vessel and its operation.

一个重要的区别是,工人必须对船舶的功能或完成其任务作出贡献. 无论他们是为船员准备饭菜的厨师,还是在水下修理船只的潜水员, as long as their role is contributing to the work of the vessel, they may be considered a seaman 根据琼斯法案.

值得注意的是,即使是在海上和陆地之间工作的工人也可能被覆盖, depending on how much of their work is maritime in nature. 然而, the interpretation of who qualifies as a seaman can vary from case to case, 这就是为什么如果海事工人在工作中受伤,咨询有经验的海事律师是至关重要的.

Compensation from 琼斯法案》 Cases

One of the most significant aspects of 琼斯法案 is the provision for injured seamen to seek compensation 来自他们的雇主. Unlike land-based workers’ compensation systems, 《365bet平台》允许海员直接对雇主提起人身伤害诉讼.

根据《365bet》,海员有权获得各种损害赔偿. These may include past and future medical expenses related to the injury, past and future wage loss, loss of earning capacity, and pain and suffering. 在某些情况下, injured workers may also be entitled to seek punitive damages, 尽管这种情况不太常见,而且通常只适用于涉及雇主严重不当行为的案件.

根据《365bet平台》提出索赔的受伤工人也可能有权获得“维持和治疗”福利, separate from any damages awarded in a negligence claim. “Maintenance” refers to a daily living allowance while the seaman is recovering, 而"治愈"则包括与受伤有关的医疗费用,直至达到最大程度的医疗改善.

重要的是要明白,虽然琼斯法案提供了获得大量补偿的机会, 这些案件可能很复杂,需要受害方证明他们的伤害是由于雇主的疏忽或船舶的不适航造成的. Because of these complexities, and the potentially high stakes involved, 建议受伤的海员寻求在琼斯法案案件中有经验的律师的指导.

The Impacts of 琼斯法案 on Maritime Workers

Maritime work is tough, and accidents can be commonplace. 然而, 当它们发生时, 琼斯法案 steps in, 延长其保护臂,以保护工人免受工作场所事故的负担.

《365bet平台》最大的影响之一是它为海员提供了保护. 它允许在工作过程中受伤的海员以疏忽为由起诉雇主或船东. This gives maritime workers rights that land-based workers don’t often have. Under normal circumstances, employees cannot sue their employers for on-the-job injuries, 但琼斯法案改变了海运业的游戏规则.

Moreover, it expands the definition of negligence within the maritime industry. 与传统的过失索赔不同,后者需要证明重大过失, 根据琼斯法案, 受伤的海员只需要证明雇主的疏忽起到了一定的作用, 然而小, 在他们受伤的时候. This concept is known as “featherweight causation,它极大地改变了海事伤害案件中的法律责任格局.

The 琼斯法案》 also mandates maintenance and cure benefits. 这些规定要求雇主支付受伤海员与其受伤有关的医疗费用,直到他们尽可能完全康复为止, and provide a daily stipend during this period. 无论谁在事故中有过错,这项义务都适用.

琼斯法案为在工作中受伤的海事工人提供了一条生命线. It offers financial relief, 医疗, and a pathway to justice, ensuring they are not left to deal with the aftermath of a work injury alone. 没有琼斯法案, 受伤的海员将面临更少的选择,并可能在事故发生后面临巨大的困难. 这项至关重要的立法为海事工人提供了公平的竞争环境,并为他们提供了应得的支持和保护.


《365bet平台》在保护海事工人的权利方面发挥了重要作用, 了解这些权利对任何在工作中受伤的海员来说都是至关重要的. At 肖邦律师事务所, 我们致力于帮助受伤的海事工人应对琼斯法案和其他法案的复杂性 海事法律.

Our experienced team understands that each case is unique, and we’re committed to providing personalized, comprehensive guidance to our clients. We can help you understand your eligibility 根据琼斯法案, 讨论你的选择, and build a robust case designed to secure the compensation you’re entitled to.

The process of filing a claim 根据琼斯法案 can be challenging, 尤其是当你在处理受伤带来的身体和精神压力时. Our team can shoulder this burden, handling every aspect of your case, from gathering evidence to proving negligence or unseaworthiness, to negotiating or litigating for the best possible outcome.

在肖邦律师事务所,我们相信每一位海事工人都应该得到高质量的法律代理. Whether you’re a deckhand, 一个工程师, 或者是船长, if you’ve been injured on the job, 我们是来为你的权利而战,帮助你根据《365bet平台》获得应得的赔偿.


The 琼斯法案》 isn’t just a piece of maritime legislation; it’s a lifeline for maritime workers who face inherent risks in their line of work. 这证明了工人权利在航运业中的重要性,并在海员最需要的时候为他们提供了支持.

了解《365bet平台》提供的保护对业内人士来说至关重要, particularly those who face the risk of injury. But remember, you don’t have to navigate these complex waters alone. 肖邦律师事务所 is here to help ensure you’re not left to fend for yourself after an accident. With our experience and commitment, we aim to vigilantly protect your rights, advocate for your interests, and work tirelessly to get you the compensation you deserve.
